Our interdisciplinary research links engineering with chemistry and physics!

Design and engineering of energy materials

Embracing the advantages of nano materials we are downscaling to atoms as they introduce unprecedented characteristics to the materials. We establishing correlations that enable precise control over the atomic scale deposition of metals on support materials for various catalytic applications. We leverage the nano-engineering of solid materials as support for isolated atom catalysts. Our comprehensive material characterization capabilities provide us with significant opportunities to develop catalysts for various energy conversion applications.


A significant portion of our research effort is centered around the development and utilization of designed materials for electrocatalytic reactions. Currently, our primary focus lies in the investigation of the electrocatalytic H2 evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). By designing and synthesizing appropriate materials, we aim to enhance the performance and efficiency of electrodics applications such as electrolyzers and fuel cells. Electrocatalysis is a key area of interest for sustainable energy conversion technologies. Our aim is to enhance the efficiency, selectivity, and stability of these electrochemical reactions through precisely engineered materials. To achieve our goals, we employ a multidisciplinary approach that combines materials design and synthesis, characterization techniques, electrochemical measurements, and theoretical modeling. Through collaborations and partnerships, we leverage the collective expertise of our research group to tackle complex challenges and push the boundaries of electrocatalysis.


Our research group investigate photocatalytic Water Splitting and Photocatalytic pollutant degradation. We engineer photocatalysts with optimized band structures, surface properties, and charge transfer capabilities to enhance the efficiency and stability of the water-splitting process, ultimately enabling cost-effective and sustainable hydrogen production. Additionally, photocatalysis offers a promising solution, utilizing light energy to activate catalysts that can break down harmful pollutants into harmless byproducts. We develop advanced photocatalytic materials that exhibit high activity, selectivity, and durability for pollutant degradation applications.